C.A.B. Photo Album

Welcome to the C.A.B photo album featuring press photographs of C.A.B. You can click on any image for a larger sized scan.

Official Thames TV Press Photos - Series One

Episode One Press photo featuring:
Ma Mossop (Avril Angers) (right) with Colin (Felipe Izquierdo) (left) and Franny (Louise Mason) (second left) in the backroom of the shop.
Dated: Tuesday 23 September 1986

Episode One Press photo (Reverse - Synopsis of episode)
Dated: Tuesday 23 September 1986

Episode One Press photo featuring:
Ma Mossop (Avril Angers)
Dated: Tuesday 23 September 1986

Episode One Press photo (Reverse - Synopsis of episode)
Dated: Tuesday 23 September 1986